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Other Examples

Parsing Queries

Parsing a SOQL query can be completed by calling parseQuery(soqlQueryString). A Query data structure will be returned.

import { parseQuery } from '@jetstreamapp/soql-parser-js';

const soql = `
FROM LoginHistory
WHERE LoginTime > 2010-09-20T22:16:30.000Z
AND LoginTime < 2010-09-21T22:16:30.000Z

console.log(JSON.stringify(soqlQuery, null, 2));
Results (click to show)
"fields": [
"type": "Field",
"field": "UserId"
"type": "FieldFunctionExpression",
"functionName": "COUNT",
"parameters": ["Id"],
"isAggregateFn": true,
"rawValue": "COUNT(Id)"
"sObject": "LoginHistory",
"where": {
"left": {
"field": "LoginTime",
"operator": ">",
"value": "2010-09-20T22:16:30.000Z",
"literalType": "DATETIME"
"operator": "AND",
"right": {
"left": {
"field": "LoginTime",
"operator": "<",
"value": "2010-09-21T22:16:30.000Z",
"literalType": "DATETIME"
"groupBy": {
"field": "UserId"

Parsing a partial query

Added support for allowPartialQuery in version 4.4.0

import { parseQuery } from '@jetstreamapp/soql-parser-js';

const soql = `
WHERE LoginTime > 2010-09-20T22:16:30.000Z
AND LoginTime < 2010-09-21T22:16:30.000Z

const soqlQuery = parseQuery(soql, { allowPartialQuery: true });

console.log(JSON.stringify(soqlQuery, null, 2));
Results (click to show)
"where": {
"left": {
"field": "LoginTime",
"operator": ">",
"value": "2010-09-20T22:16:30.000Z",
"literalType": "DATETIME"
"operator": "AND",
"right": {
"left": {
"field": "LoginTime",
"operator": "<",
"value": "2010-09-21T22:16:30.000Z",
"literalType": "DATETIME"
"groupBy": {
"field": "UserId"

Validating Queries

import { isQueryValid } from '@jetstreamapp/soql-parser-js';

const invalidSoql = `SELECT UserId, COUNT(Id) Account`;
const validSoql = `SELECT UserId, COUNT(Id) Account`;


Composing Queries

Build a Query data structure to have it converted back into a SOQL query.

Composing a query will turn a Query object back to a SOQL query string. The exact same data structure returned from parseQuery() can be used, but depending on your use-case, you may need to build your own data structure to compose a query. These examples show building your own Query object with the minimum required fields.

Some utility methods have been provided to make it easier to build the field data structures.

Note: Some operators may be converted to uppercase (e.x. NOT, AND)

Note: There are a number of fields populated on the Query object when parseQuery() is called that are not required to compose a query. Look at the examples below and the comments in the data model for more information.

import { composeQuery, getField, Query } from '@jetstreamapp/soql-parser-js';

// Build a subquery
const oppLineItemsSubquery = {
fields: [
field: 'UnitPrice',
relationships: ['PricebookEntry'],
field: 'Name',
relationships: ['PricebookEntry'],
relationshipName: 'OpportunityLineItems',

// build the main query and add the subquery as a field
const soqlQuery: Query = {
fields: [
functionName: 'FORMAT',
parameters: 'Amount',
alias: 'MyFormattedAmount',
getField({ subquery: oppLineItemsSubquery }),
sObject: 'Opportunity',
where: {
left: {
field: 'CreatedDate',
operator: '>',
value: 'LAST_N_YEARS:1',
operator: 'AND',
right: {
left: {
field: 'StageName',
operator: '=',
value: 'Closed Won',
// literalType is optional, but if set to STRING and our value is not already wrapped in "'", they will be added
// All other literalType values are ignored when composing a query
literalType: 'STRING',
limit: 150,

const composedQuery = composeQuery(soqlQuery, { format: true });



SELECT Id, Name, FORMAT(Amount) MyFormattedAmount,
SELECT Quantity, ListPrice, PricebookEntry.UnitPrice,
FROM OpportunityLineItems
FROM Opportunity
WHERE CreatedDate > LAST_N_YEARS:1
AND StageName = 'Closed Won'

Composing a partial query

Starting in version 4.4, compose will not fail if there are missing SELECT and FROM clauses in your query.

Partial compose support it supported without any additional steps.

import { Compose, parseQuery } from '@jetstreamapp/soql-parser-js';

const soql = `WHERE Name LIKE 'A%' AND MailingCity = 'California`;
const parsedQuery = parseQuery(soql, { allowPartialQuery: true });

// Results of Parsed Query:
where: {
left: { field: 'Name', operator: 'LIKE', value: "'A%'", literalType: 'STRING' },
operator: 'AND',
right: { left: { field: 'MailingCity', operator: '=', value: "'California'", literalType: 'STRING' } },

const composedQuery = composeQuery(soqlQuery, { format: true });



WHERE Name LIKE 'A%' AND MailingCity = 'California
See the alternate way to compose partial queries by calling the Compose class directly

If you need to compose just a part of a query instead of the entire query, you can create an instance of the Compose class directly.

For example, if you just need the WHERE clause from a query as a string, you can do the following:

import { Compose, parseQuery } from '@jetstreamapp/soql-parser-js';

const soql = `SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name = 'Foo'`;
const parsedQuery = parseQuery(soql);

// Results of Parsed Query:
// const parsedQuery = {
// fields: [
// {
// type: 'Field',
// field: 'Id',
// },
// ],
// sObject: 'Account',
// where: {
// left: {
// field: 'Name',
// operator: '=',
// value: "'Foo'",
// literalType: 'STRING',
// },
// },
// };

// Create a new instance of the compose class and set the autoCompose to false to avoid composing the entire query
const composer = new Compose(parsedQuery, { autoCompose: false });

const whereClause = composer.parseWhereOrHavingClause(parsedQuery.where);


Available methods on the Compose class

These are used internally, but are public and available for use.

parseQuery(query: Query | Subquery): string;
parseFields(fields: FieldType[]): { text: string; typeOfClause?: string[] }[];
parseTypeOfField(typeOfField: FieldTypeOf): string[];
parseWhereOrHavingClause(whereOrHaving: WhereClause | HavingClause, tabOffset = 0, priorConditionIsNegation = false): string;
parseGroupByClause(groupBy: GroupByClause | GroupByClause[]): string;
parseOrderBy(orderBy: OrderByClause | OrderByClause[]): string;
parseWithDataCategory(withDataCategory: WithDataCategoryClause): string;

Format Query

This function is provided as a convenience and just calls parse and compose. Check out the demo to see the outcome of the various format options.

import { formatQuery } from '@jetstreamapp/soql-parser-js';

const query = `SELECT Id, Name, AccountNumber, AccountSource, AnnualRevenue, BillingAddress, BillingCity, BillingCountry, BillingGeocodeAccuracy, ShippingStreet, Sic, SicDesc, Site, SystemModstamp, TickerSymbol, Type, Website, (SELECT Id, Name, AccountId, Amount, CampaignId, CloseDate, CreatedById, Type FROM Opportunities), (SELECT Id, Name, AccountNumber, AccountSource, AnnualRevenue, BillingAddress, Website FROM ChildAccounts) FROM Account WHERE Name LIKE 'a%' OR Name LIKE 'b%' OR Name LIKE 'c%'`;

const formattedQuery1 = formatQuery(query);
const formattedQuery2 = formatQuery(query, {
fieldMaxLineLength: 20,
fieldSubqueryParensOnOwnLine: false,
whereClauseOperatorsIndented: true,
const formattedQuery3 = formatQuery(query, { fieldSubqueryParensOnOwnLine: true, whereClauseOperatorsIndented: true });
-- formattedQuery1
SELECT Id, Name, AccountNumber, AccountSource, AnnualRevenue,
BillingAddress, BillingCity, BillingCountry, BillingGeocodeAccuracy,
ShippingStreet, Sic, SicDesc, Site, SystemModstamp, TickerSymbol, Type,
SELECT Id, Name, AccountId, Amount, CampaignId, CloseDate,
CreatedById, Type
FROM Opportunities
SELECT Id, Name, AccountNumber, AccountSource, AnnualRevenue,
BillingAddress, Website
FROM ChildAccounts
FROM Account
WHERE Name LIKE 'a%'
OR Name LIKE 'b%'
OR Name LIKE 'c%'

-- formattedQuery2
SELECT Id, Name,
AccountNumber, AccountSource,
AnnualRevenue, BillingAddress,
BillingCity, BillingCountry,
BillingGeocodeAccuracy, ShippingStreet,
Sic, SicDesc, Site,
SystemModstamp, TickerSymbol, Type,
(SELECT Id, Name,
AccountId, Amount, CampaignId,
CloseDate, CreatedById, Type
FROM Opportunities),
(SELECT Id, Name,
AccountNumber, AccountSource,
AnnualRevenue, BillingAddress,
FROM ChildAccounts)
FROM Account
WHERE Name LIKE 'a%'
OR Name LIKE 'b%'
OR Name LIKE 'c%'

-- formattedQuery3
SELECT Id, Name, AccountNumber, AccountSource, AnnualRevenue,
BillingAddress, BillingCity, BillingCountry, BillingGeocodeAccuracy,
ShippingStreet, Sic, SicDesc, Site, SystemModstamp, TickerSymbol, Type,
SELECT Id, Name, AccountId, Amount, CampaignId, CloseDate,
CreatedById, Type
FROM Opportunities
SELECT Id, Name, AccountNumber, AccountSource, AnnualRevenue,
BillingAddress, Website
FROM ChildAccounts
FROM Account
WHERE Name LIKE 'a%'
OR Name LIKE 'b%'
OR Name LIKE 'c%'